venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

28anoite TRANS_G28 // What is the 28?

The Performance of 28. 

What is the performance of 28? 

Tram 28 // LUGARES: 20 Sentados, 38 de Pé, 1 (ou mais) improvisado. 

The active answer to these questions:
-how to envolve and attract people?
-how to drive their attention to current important topics?
-not the public, but the people. 
Beyond the stage, outside the place where we do the show, 
after the road outside there, 
how we can make people sensible to unchain a reaction??? 

Reaction about what? 

Pollution, wild consumering, inadequate policies and politics, 
a corrupt and vicious system, 
a gear we're not being able to stop.
It seems to be impossible to escape from this circle of hell... 
Though the emergency door is easy to find, also in the darkness.